Monday, October 4, 2010

One step at a time

Ever since I was a little girl I have LOVED milk!  I usually drank two to three large glasses of milk with every meal.  My normal breakfast for the day was a bowl of cold cereal and when it was something else, it was always accompanied by a big glass of wonderful milk.  But it wasn't just milk, it was basically all dairy.  I loved cheese, sour cream, and most of all ice cream.  I couldn't get enough of it!  I normally ate a heaping bowl of ice cream almost every night before I went to bed.  Every once in a while I would hear someone say how bad milk was for you, but I just let it go in one ear and out the other.  My whole life I have been told that milk was good for you and an excellent source or calcium.  I am sure that everyone recognizes the phrases "Milk, it does the body good" and "Got milk?" 

It is very hard to change your mental thinking when all your life you have been told one thing and then suddenly you found out that it wasn't correct. So you can imagine how hard it was for me to accept that milk and all dairy was completely terrible for our bodies when I found out the truth. This realization began when a few friends kept telling me the terrible things that milk does for your body.  I was in denial for a while (and you probably understand why) but then I decided to figure out the truth for myself.  Thus my journey began on finding the truth about milk and dairy.  The thing that ended pushing me over the edge and helping me decide that I didn't want to consume dairy anymore, but most of all, I didn't want my daughter to have it either (I am still working on this one since she is addicted to formula.  We are trying to get her off of it and to eat and drink other things.) was The Milk Letter by Robert M. Kradjian, MD who was (and might still be, I'm not sure) a chief surgeon in the field of breast cancer. After reading this article that he wrote I was so disgusted and horrified that I told my husband about it and we immediately dumped out all of our milk down the drain and I have refused to buy any ever since.  I also do not buy cheese, creams, or any other form of dairy. 

I can't say that I am perfect with this yet, and I probably never will be.  I still crave ice cream, and other dishes that are made with lots of butter, cheese, and other dairy products, but I am trying my best.  I want to help not only myself, but also my family stay as healthy as possible so we might be able to live our lives to the fullest! 

And if you think that I am crazy, that is perfectly fine.  I thought that this was all crazy too until I researched it.  Please, read the milk letter.  If nothing else it will enlighten your mind and give you something to think about.

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