Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The China Study

I kind of mentioned this before, but I am going to mention it again.  I have a really hard time doing anything that goes against the grain unless I research it myself and can base my desicion off of my own judgement.  So I am doing a lot of reading and studying about diet and health right now.  I am currently reading a book called The China Study-Startling Implications For Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health. It is fascinating!  It was written by a man named T. Colin Campbell.  I want to quote a part of the preface that describes him well.

"T. Colin Campbell, at his core, is still a farm boy from northern Virginia...from [this] background he went on to other careers.  It is for his other career accomplishments that I came to admire Colin.  He was involved in the discovery of a chemical later called dioxin, and he went on to direct one of the most important diet and health studies ever conducted, the China Study.  In between, he authored hundreds of scientific papers, sat on a numerous government expert panels and helped shape national and international diet and health organizations...As a scientist, he has played an instrumental role in how our country views diet and health."

This was enough info for me to feel like his studies were reputable. :.)  What he did and the results that he found are amazing!  He goes into great detail about protein (especially protein from cow's milk) and how it affects overall health as well as discussing obesity, diabetes (Types 1 and 2), cancer, and especially heart disease (which includes heart attacks and strokes) and how diet can help with or completely eliminate these "affluent diseases" as he calls them.  This book has opened my eyes to a lot of things and I feel like I am learning so much it is hard to take it all in at once.  I recommend this book to everyone.  And just and F.Y.I., I will probably be blogging about this book until I am through with it.  Yes, it is that amazing!

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