Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Miracles of Essential Oils

A couple of nights ago while I was making dinner with my husband, he sliced his hand open.  It was a very long and very deep cut across the base of the palm of his hand.  He was cutting an avocado when the knife slipped...I heard him gasp really loud and the knife dropped.  When I turned around I saw him holding his hand very tightly, but there was blood coming through his fingers, so I knew it was a very deep cut-deep enough to warrant stitches.  I ran for my oils and pulled out Yarrow.   He rinsed the blood off of his hand and I applied the oil directly on and into his cut.  It IMMEDIATELY coagulated the blood and it stopped in seconds.  Within a couple of minutes the skin was already beginning to fuse back together.  We were actually watching it happen. The next morning it looked as if Cam had just scraped his hand.  No one would have ever guessed how badly he had cut his hand and that it had just happened the night before.

This is the actual Yarrow flower.  The oil the comes from this plant is deep blue.  This happens during the distillation process.

I love essential oils!  I know they work, but it still amazes me how quickly things happen.  I use my oils for everything.  In the 9 or so months that I have started getting into them I have watched them heal everything from severe burns, cuts, insect bites, rashes, upset stomach and vomiting, to fever, muscle aches and pains, cramps, headaches, acne, and many other illnesses.  I don't know what I ever did without them.

1 comment:

  1. Hey- I don't know if you remember me or not, but I have been looking in to this stuff. Can you give me info on where I can find them, and how much they are? My 8 month old is dealing with teething and acid reflux and I have been wanting to try something.. Kylynne (Rigby) Huber
    lilsis01@hotmail.com is my email address
